fbpx CGI Constructors: People. Building Canada.

Building Canada.

CGI is a people focused builder with a diverse team of construction professionals who have a shared passion to transform the way communities interact, the way people treat our environment and the way cities are formed.

New Estimate Form

CGI has a new way to submit your project estimates.

Gold Seal Employer

CGI Constructors is now a Gold Seal Employer!

This accreditation shows our commitment to delivering ongoing training for our staff. This was made possible through the support of our local construction associations.

We are ISO 45001:2018 Certified!

ISO 45001:2018 is the most recognized International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety. This shows that our company demonstrates a commitment to safety and helps protect staff, employees, subtrades and visitors from workplace accidents and disease.

CGI is Hiring

Build your career. Build your community.
Now hiring carpenters & labourers!


CGI Constructors Job Board


CGI is Hiring

Build your career. Build your community.
Now hiring carpenters & labourers!


CGI Constructors Job Board


Passive House

We are Passive House trained professionals and leaders against climate change. We help designers and our clients with methods of construction that will change the world.

Century Talks

CGI convenes industry leaders to share insights and ideas shaping design and construction.

Century Talks

CGI convenes industry leaders to share insights and ideas shaping design and construction.

In The News

We build our communities, we revitalize our cities, we help our clients achieve their goals. See the news created by our people.

CGI Tip Of The Week

Helpful advice for work and self-improvement. 

CGI Tip Of The Week

Helpful advise for work and self improvement.